Business man

Publication Date: February 15 2016

Subject Matter: Growth & Investment – Proven Performance  

Calgary, AB, Canada – CAPEX-WORLD Corp ("CAPEX") announced today that it has successfully empowered one of the most important high-end hotels in Tulum; Riviera Maya (the “Client” and or “Hotel”) to complete an investment in a sustainable Bacteria-Based-Closed-Sewer-System (the “Facility”) to treat up to 100,000 Liters of sewage water per day with an option to increase this Facility to up to 150,000 liters per day (approximately 250 rooms) in a simple and cost effective manner. 

Materially reducing reoccurring operational costs and logistics on this category by up to 75%, producing quality irrigation-water of up to 100 cubic Meters per day to revive trees, plants, and vegetation, enable organic agriculture, enhance guest experience, prevent noise, bad odors, minimize mosquitos and airborne-health related risks, traffic based hazards, eco-contamination and preserving fresh water are only some of the merits that inspired us to pursue this direction. This solution is effective and goes perfectly well with our core values. 

With no availability of a cost effective public sewer system this approximate 9-hectare remote Hotel was using gravity to collect and store its sewer water into chemical-based-septic-tanks and from there on a daily basis through an independent subcontractor this contaminated water was transferred from such septic-tanks to a treatment plant located far away using totally inefficient, noisy, expensive trucks and creating smells, logistics and traffic safety hazards.  Furthermore, no irrigation water was produced and a huge second level of pollution was the result of such old method. 

Effective February 15, 2016 this Hotel will treat 100% of its sewer water onsite to comply with the Mexican Regulatory Norm 003, which Norm determines the quality of the treated water as good for human touch and for irrigation purposes - not for human consumption! The treated water will be stored in a 5,000-liter cistern and from there it will move to the Hotel’s irrigation system while the residual water will be sent to the aquifer through an 80-meter deep licensed well. This will eliminate the need for approximately 192 trucks at a cost of MEX $1,800 plus tax every month to remove and treat the sewer water that is generated from the approximate 100 rooms. 

This Facility uses fewer chemicals because of the work performed by the bacteria, which is a necessary step to minimize contamination. The contaminated mud resulting from the process is stored in quarantine on the back end of this approximate 60 meter square Facility and must be moved to a treatment plant once every 6 months by a subcontractor, for approximately MEX $9,000.00 for each removal. 

This Hotel will pay MEX $3,278.00 instead of MEX $14,063.00 per day to treat the sewer water of the approximate 100 rooms using the new Facility versus the old method. The projected operational cost reduction on this category based on this Hotel’s fiscal year planed activity will be up to MEX $3,600,000.00. With an ROI less than 8 months and a free of interest finance, this investment makes sense and was materialized in less than 3 months from conception including all regulatory requisites. 

Up to a 70% smaller Foot Print on this category is this Facility’s greatest achievement in terms of sustainability. This parameter was estimated as the difference in the Carbon based emissions that are created in the old system from the water’s transportation (more than 2,000.00 trucks annually) and the emissions related to the production of the electricity necessary to power the pumps, vents and other electrical components that are part of the new Facility. Soon we will be publishing a Press Release pertaining to this Client’s renewable energy plan that is on the FINAL planning process. 

CAPEX took a lead position in this endeavor by assisting the Hotel to determine objectives, evaluate alternatives, different technologies, contact and negotiate with multiple providers, perform due-diligence and identify what is the most beneficial combination of the different technologies and or providers considering effectiveness, cost, risk, sustainability and others.  Additionally, CAPEX contributed creative models and alternatives for finance, corporate governance, performance and guaranties. We were also heavily involved in the preparation of all legal documents, the appropriate closing and the execution of such by all parties’ legal representatives. 

This project fits perfectly within the spirit of our values and Social Responsibility Strategy. Accordingly, we use our influence, expertise and global-network to minimize the human footprint by encouraging our Clients and some respective Affiliates to put proven effective green technologies and methods to work.

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for and on behalf of
Daniel Portnoy
President & CEO
Calgary, AB Canada