Business man

Publication Date: April 1 2016

Subject Matter: Infrastructure and Sustainability – Proven Performance  

Calgary, AB, Canada – CAPEX-WORLD Corp ("CAPEX") announced today that it has successfully empowered one of the most important high-end hotels in Tulum; Riviera Maya (the “Client” and or “Hotel”) to complete an investment in an almost 1,400 meter long above ground hurricane proof green infrastructure (the “Infrastructure”). 

This Infrastructure will facilitate electricity, water, sewer, irrigation, data and communication to and from up to 300 static destinations. On the network side it will support up to 2,500 users and will also enable organic plantations and include rustic wooden pedestrian walks, advanced fire and security systems and other logistic elements for this coastal “Community” all in an area of almost 90,000 meters square of tropical forest and under high practices of governance and due care for nature and wildlife.                                       

This scalable Infrastructure was installed across the Community from side to side, between the trees and vegetation to provide easy access to and from all amenities. No heavy equipment was used and no substantial excavations performed, which if used would have potentially killed more than 250,000 trees and plants due the flora density and the intrusive nature of such method. 

Now this Hotel can expand in a cost effective manner by up to 300% at the speed of the vertical-construction with minimal concerns and or investment in urbanization which constitutes huge competitive advantages such as shorter construction term which may result in an accelerated Return on Investment as well as a higher Internal Rate of Return, reduced impact on customer-satisfaction and less interference with this Hotel’s day to day operation. Other inherit benefits of this Infrastructure are easy access and inspection, inexpensive repairs, enhanced connectivity, modular and transferable. With fiber optic and Wi-Fi on the network, this Infrastructure is built from wind and sun resistant pipes which are up to code and supported by concrete-bases every 3 meters; 15cn by up to 80cn height by 100cn length each as well as 6 Registers and electric pumps to overcome any future gravity based obstacles. 

On top of this Infrastructure this Hotel will build pedestrian walk ways to provide comfortable access and both physical and visual protection to hide the pipes.   The organic plantations will provide the same from the sides of this Infrastructure one meter wide from each side. Depending on the use of the pipes i.e. irrigation, water and or sewer this Infrastructure can sustain pressures of up to 7 atmospheres “Kilos”, which can work perfectly with elevated constructions of up to 12 meters high including the tree houses, SPA, Medical Center and or the Cocoon rooms that this Hotel plans to build in the near future on the west part of the property. This elevated construction increases the value of the Community by providing spectacular views and a unique look and feel to each of the non-ocean-front rooms.  

Imagine the task of developing a 9 hectare forest where you need to place the infrastructure for up to 250 rooms and facilities in a short period of time while following these strict roles; you cannot touch the trees and or disturb the fauna, guest privacy and sustainability are a must, a modern comfort, look and feel are required and guest experience is the mission - the Bare Foot Trend. 

Following this Hotel’s guidelines and Modus Operandi we put to work a team of experts with creative minds to face the challenge and as of today after almost MEX $6,000,000.00 and three months of intense work have been utilized, the majority of this Infrastructure is in operation, no odors, no safety risks, no ecological hazards and now we are on the final steps to visually blend this Infrastructure amongst nature - a truly multi dimensional vision. As per one my favorite expressions made by the owner of this Hotel; “I want the turtles, crabs and other beautiful creatures to continue using the same paths they used to use long before us”. 

CAPEX took a lead position in this endeavor by assisting this Client to determine objectives, evaluate alternatives, technologies, contact and negotiate with providers, perform due-diligence and identify what is the most beneficial combination of the technologies and or providers considering effectiveness, cost, risk, sustainability and others.  In Addition, CAPEX contributed creative models and finance alternatives, corporate governance, performance and guarantees. We were also heavily involved in the preparation of all legal documents, the appropriate closing and the execution of such by all parties’ legal representatives. 

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for and on behalf of
Daniel Portnoy
President & CEO
Calgary, AB Canada