Business man

Publication Date: July 15 2016

Subject Matter: Social Responsability, Mothers First - Proven Performance 

Calgary, AB, Canada – CAPEX-WORLD Corp ("CAPEX") announced today that in May 2016 it has successfully launched Trisha’s Program (the “Program”) under its CSR activities. In a modest way, this Program provides outstanding and hardworking “Mothers” with recognition and pays tribute to them for their lasting dedication, love, responsibility and the due care that they have been unconditionally giving to their love ones. 

When they are least expecting it,  we make it feasible for these outstanding mothers to enjoy of some Me Time and do things they rarely or possibly never, have a chance to do.  We provide this to them always in a safe and pleasant environment, free of cost and without transportation worries. We enable these mothers to invest in themselves and feel appreciated (the “Treat”).

This Treat allows each mother to determine how they wish to spend their time and what to do with the gifted money in condition that such mother is the subject target of all activities and or purchases. These activities may include but are not limited to a movie, theater, spa, shopping, culinary and or cultural experiences, excursions, capacitation and or any combination thereof.

We identify and come into contact with these mothers through our international work and Social Responsibility Activities then we determine if such mothers comply with our morals and philosophies. The only condition that these mothers need to fulfil are that they will continue to be who they are and must do one kind gesture for a non-family member.

We are very pleased from the results and feedback provided by the initial 6 mothers that participated in the pilot as well as from the feeback provided by their superiors at work. We will continue to make modest, positive changes in the lives of mothers in order to develop a neverending chain of compassion and kindness with the objective to create a better world today and for future generations.

CAPEX is backing this Program with in house resources and  from third party contributions, which as of today are not tax exempt. We hope to leverage on this Program to create an international growing group of activists which include but is not limited to, members of the Program and its founders to promote the Program’s goals, peace, unity and synergistic international cross collaboration.

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for and on behalf of
Daniel Portnoy
President & CEO
Calgary, AB Canada