Business man

Publication Date: September 31 2016

Subject Matter: Electricity & Sustainability - Proven Performance 

Calgary, AB, Canada – CAPEX-WORLD Corp ("CAPEX") announced today that it has empowered one of its prominent North American clients (the “Community”) to cut carbon emissions by 86% as part of a much broader business plan for this Community to be 97% carbon free by December 2018. 80% of this phase has been materialized, which respective portion of this system is in operation since December 2015. As a result, this Community will save up to MEX $3,794,688.00 by December 2016 and another MEX $5,692,032.00 of projected savings in this category for 2017 providing this Community with an accelerated return on this investment in less than 18 months. This Community’s Business Plan includes 4 core phases:

Phase 1 “Diesel”, up to December 2015, Diesel was 100% of the electric method utilized in this Community, producing their own electricity from diesel-generators with inefficient distribution infrastructure, extremely expensive fuel costs, and heavy pollution. During

Phase 2 “CFE”, this Community completed the infrastructure to efficiently transport electricity from several key distribution points in the Community to all of the electricity powered elements and established a temporary connection to the grid leaving the diesel generators as a temporary backup.

Phase 3 “B.E.C.” (Behavior, Efficiency and Capacity) are the focus items until Q – 1 2017. The goals of this phase are to increase the system’s capacity by 50% while reducing carbon emissions by another 6% through capacitation and education on reducing electricity consumption, by replacing existing AC units with up to 40% more efficient air-conditioning systems and to implement micro-technologies that rely on renewable energy.

Phase 4 “Solar”- This community will disconnect from the grid and connect to the photovoltaic facility leaving the grid as a backup. During the night, this infrastructure will operate with a set of recyclable batteries with a capacity of up to 12 hours to meet this community’s consumption needs. This fourth phase is planned for completion by December 2018. The return on investment for this facility is estimated to be less than 10 years. This facility is under advanced planning and may cost up to MEX $30,000,000.00 depending on the business model.

for and on behalf of
Daniel Portnoy
President & CEO
Calgary, AB Canada

On January 10, 2016, the US Information Energy Administration “EIA” published that 2.68 Kilos are the amount of Carbon Dioxide emissions released when one liter of clean diesel fuel is burned. In consideration of the actual growth rate based on the Old Method in 2017, this Community would need to burn up to 300,000 liters of diesel annually. Such action would be totally incongruent with this Community’s social responsibility principles.

With the Community’s mission of caring about future generations and nature, to shift from a very expensive method of maintaining and operating the system utilizing the Old Method where logistics, manpower, heavy pollution and frequent investment in equipment are part of the day to day operation to a static system operating at a fraction of the cost and significantly reducing emissions when comparing them over a 20-year term in a side by side method, the choice was obvious.

CAPEX’s advisors took a lead role in this endeavor, primarily in identifying and defining the opportunity, researching alternatives, negotiating with providers, presenting to and authorizing the solution with the Community. We also performed a feasibility analysis, financial and risk models, incorporating the agreements and implementation plan, obtaining securities for performance and guarantees for the products and or managing other activities that without such would not have allowed this conversion to happen at the speed and efficiency demonstrated herein.

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Subsequent to growth from an average monthly electric consumption of 25,000 kVAh in 2015, 83,000 kVAh in 2016 to the projected 180,000 KVAh for 2017, in a systematic method, this community is replacing its carbon based energy sources with renewable sources. At the same time, this community is reducing the average energy consumption by replacing old equipment with new efficient equipment and by adapting behavioral and other logistics related practices that reduces the production of indirect emissions such as diesel, water transportation and or others by almost 90%.

Utilizing traditional methods in this region, prior to December 2015, this Community was producing energy with diesel-based-generators without batteries. These generators were operating, i.e. burning clean diesel, 24 hours a day all year-round in order to satisfy this Community’s basic requirement for constant electricity (“Old Method”).

During 2015, this Community consumed 476.82 liters of diesel, delivered by truck, every 24 hours in order to satisfy the monthly consumption of 25,200 KVAh. Since 2015, this community’s monthly electricity usage has grown to 83,760 KVAh and or in terms of diesel trucks to approximately 1,213 trucks annually.

The graph to the right shows the dramatic impact that occurred in December 2015 when this Community switched from the Old Method to the interim solution as an effective way to immediately cut carbon dioxide emissions by 83% not considering the indirect pollution from the trucks during transportation. Our ambition is to become 97% carbon neutral by 2018.